Third party application lifecycle


    • EXT: Sandbox environment in the LIS Infrastructure
    • QA: Quality Assurance
    • UAT: User Acceptance Testing


    LI Information System is providing below information as a guideline only. We recognize that each third party is different and may use all or some of the steps specified below. The key guideline is to use our sandbox environment to build, test and QA your application against our RESTful APIs in Sandbox/Ext environment before connecting to Livestock Live APIs.

    It is not recommended to build and perform any kind of performance test against the Lifecycle Live API. Please contact lifecycle support if there is any special requirement not aligning with this approach.

    Lifecycle Diagram

    The diagram below provides an overview of LI environments available for third party developers for build and test before promoting their applications to the Live environments.

    1. Setup access to LI Sandbox

      Once you have created an account for Dev Hub, registered your application, Subscribed to Sandbox APIs and LI have provided you with test accounts and test data you will be ready to start development.

    2. Configure your application for sandbox

      Configure your application to make authorisation and API calls to LI sandbox endpoints using your sandbox credentials and the sandbox URL provided to yourself by LI. Sandbox URLs will be in the format below


    3. Complete Testing

      After you have completed development, promote your application code to your test environment. The test environment should continue to use the LI Sandbox API URLs. Integration testing should be completed in this environment.

      If you are conducting any penetration tests on your application which involves making a call to the LIS API URLs, please inform LI by contacting the livestock developer support.

    4. Ensure User Acceptance

      After you have completed testing, promote your application to the QA/UAT environment to ensure user acceptance testing. This environment should continue to use livestock Sandbox API URLs.

    5. Production API Credentials

      After you are happy with your application quality checks, contact livestock developer support to get access to the LIVE API credentials.

    6. Configure your live environment(s)

      After you have received LIVE API credentials, configure these in your LIVE deployments. Provide guideline to your users about the new LI identity system and authorization process. In the event of any question contact livestock developer support.